Which Exercises Help in Developing a Strong Core?

Working on your core strength will help you work towards a healthier lifestyle because all your movements in life are based on and are possible because of your core. By definition, core means the center and for humans, the core is situated in our torso. You may have seen that most of the MMA fighters have a strong core, which they got as a result of hardcore martial art training, and core strength would then mean the center of all our strength, where we get our energy and what allows us to move. Our torso muscles are also in charge of our posture; hence the core muscles have a lot of responsibility and that is one part of our body we should not ignore.
Must Read: Read this to know some possibilities of getting injured during MMA training.
All the exercises that we do are made possible because of our core and its performance; having a strong core will not only help us in performing our daily duties but also do them efficiently. Many exercises are designed specifically to make our core strength and we should try to indulge in these as much as we can in a week. Most of these exercises will help you make killer abs but you need to put in a lot of effort to be able to achieve that goal.
Other than being able to get a fit body with six-packs, there are many more advantages of working on your core:
Improves Balance
Core exercises focus on your hips, legs, lower back, and pelvic bone; all of this combined help create your entire lower body structure that is responsible for helping you move around and create balance. When you regularly do core exercises you are constantly working on these areas which help to strengthen your balance.
Helps Relieve Back Pain
Core exercises target your lower back muscles and bones and because of regular exercise, the blood circulation in these areas helps relieve you of any pain you’re prone to experiencing.
Helps your Posture
The torso muscles support your entire stature and are also responsible for your posture; when you do core exercises then in most of them you need to hold a straight back posture and with time and regular practice you will begin to adapt to a straight posture in your everyday life as well, regardless of whether you are exercising or not.
When you have a good straight posture then your body organs start to align and come back to their proper place as well such as your pancreas, stomach, intestines, and kidneys. When this happens then your digestive system begins to work properly as well and so does your nervous system; this allows you to become and feel healthier.
Produces and Distributes Energy
Since most of your energy is produced from the center of your body, when you do core exercises you train your core to distribute energy throughout the body with great efficiency. No matter what part of your body you’re working on the core will be able to send energy from the center to the tips of your body.
Helps Align and Connect your entire Body
As the core produces and spreads energy, it is helping the entire body connect with itself. Doing core exercises helps your blood and energy to reach and align your systems accurately with one another.
Now that we are certain we have convinced you of all the benefits you can get by doing core exercises change into your sports gear and get ready to learn about some of the best core exercises you can do to reap all these advantages:
1. Plank
One of the best positions you can hold when working on your core and lower back. This position requires you to hold your entire weight on the strength of your hands and your toes all the while your back should remain in a perfectly inclined position. Your back should not be crunched or your hips should not be protruding upwards or be too low otherwise it will hurt your back.
It takes practice to be able to perfect this posture and we recommend keeping this position for at least 30 seconds as a beginner and then gradually increase the number as you get used to holding this position.
This position although requires you to hold your weight on your upper body and toes, the strength and energy come from your core and you will feel the fat from your abdomen burn and release that energy!
This exercise originates from yoga and it is a very relaxing exercise to do as well as energizing for your core. You begin by lying flat on your back and then bending your knees grounding your feet to the ground. Your legs should be at least two feet apart and then you place your hands next to your feet, palms facing down. Now begin by lifting your torso upwards as high as possible, breathing in as you do that, and then bring down your torso to the ground as you exhale.
Not only will this exercise be excellent for regulating your breathing, relaxing you but also work gently on your abs, hips, and thighs. We suggest doing three sets of 20 each as a beginner and then gradually increasing the number to at least 40 times.
Yoga Cat Pose
This exercise is again taken from yoga and yes it also helps you regulate your breathing. You begin making a box plank position by placing both hands and knees on the ground and keeping your back straight. Now you will begin by inhaling and arching your back and then as you exhale you will bend your back and create a U shape with it.
As you are doing this exercise you will feel your back muscles stretching and your belly fat burning. We recommend doing 3 sets of 20 at least and then gradually you can increase the number because exerting yourself too much with this exercise might cause you back pain.
Downward Dog Position
The upward dog position is not only good for your core but also your arms and legs as it will help you stretch your entire body to the fullest. You begin by making a plank position and as soon as your legs seem to give up you lift your entire body upwards by creating an arch-like position with your back; for reference, you should make an upside V position with your body.
This posture will help you stretch your back, leg, and arm muscles to the fullest which will allow your blood to circulate efficiently throughout your body.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are an excellent exercise for those seeking to do cardio, burn fat and work on core muscles. In this exercise, you will begin by making a plank position and then you will bring in the knee of one leg to touch your stomach, take it back and then repeat with the other leg. You need to do this motion very quickly as you exchange your legs back and forth, this fast based movement will raise your heartbeat and you will begin to sweat immediately. You will feel your stomach muscles burn as you will begin to feel as if your abdomen is on fire! But that’s a good thing trust us!
We recommend doing 3 sets of 20 as a beginner of this exercise and then gradually increasing the number as you get used to training and as your stamina improves.
Crunches have many forms and all are core and abdomen centric; you begin by lying down on your back and putting your hands behind your neck, you also bend your knees, and one by one you try to touch the knee of one leg to your stomach all the while bringing the elbow of the opposite hand to the stomach as well. Then you return to your normal position and repeat with the other leg and elbow. With this movement, your entire body will come into a crunch position hence the name crunches!
We recommend doing 3 sets of 20 as a beginner and then gradually increasing the number.