10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Hanging Upside Down

People who do not have problems with being overweight, for the most part, do not attach importance to physical activity. They think that if the figure is in order, it is not necessary to play sports. This is not true. There are tons of health-promoting exercises.
Therefore, even if you do not strive to lose weight, you still need to exercise. Again, with a modern person’s busy schedule, it is difficult to allocate even an hour for sports. But there is an exit.
The most useful and simple exercise is to lie upside down. You do not require sports equipment or sportswear to perform it. It is important that there are no tight elastic bands that will impede blood circulation.
What Are Health Benefits Of Lying Upside Down
1- Relieves Swelling
Many suffer from edema and think that it will pass. Of course, it will pass, but isn’t it better to help your body against this unpleasant phenomenon? Indeed, sometimes puffiness not only spoils the appearance of your legs but also causes discomfort and even painful sensations.
Edema is due to fluid that accumulates during the day in the tissues of the human body. One has only to change the body’s position, and then the manifestations of puffiness will subside.
2- Promotes Better Blood Circulation
The heart muscle is heavily stressed every day. It pumps over 7 thousand liters per day. In some cases, blood circulation may be impaired. The most common causes of impairment are pregnancy, poor lifestyle choices, overweight, sedentary, or standing work.
In this case, the position with the legs up is the best assistant. The blood rushes to the upper body; it is enriched with oxygen.
3- Accelerates Recovery Processes
Another undeniable benefit of this exercise is the acceleration of the recovery and healing processes. This position is beneficial for patients undergoing recovery from alcohol abuse or addiction.
It helps to relax and improves the circulation of blood in the body. It is of the most effective self-treatment of alcoholism.
4- Reduces Back Pain
People with back pain should often lie with their legs up. The back may hurt due to the sciatic nerve’s inflammation, herniated disc, sprains, and arthritis.
In any case, for severe pain, you need to see a doctor. If the doctor does not find anything serious, this position will help alleviate the condition.
In the normal position, the spine is under enormous stress. In the supine position, the load decreases; the spine is resting. When doing the exercise, choose a firm surface. Do not lie on a soft sofa; it is better to lie down on the floor and stretch your legs up along the wall.
5- Reduces Pain During Periods
Many women suffer from severe pain during their periods. Some eat pills while others bear it. You can reduce pain by lying with your feet up. With this position, the stomach relaxes as much as possible; the discomfort disappears. Many women avoid physical activity these days.
Do not be afraid, especially since this is just a pose, and not jumping. For example, yogis not only do not prohibit exercise on critical days but also strongly recommend it. And this pose can replace a whole complex, a full-fledged exercise. Try it, and you will feel that it has become much easier for you.
6- Promotes Rapid Relaxation
This exercise can replace yoga; it promotes rapid relaxation. It relaxes tensed muscles, normalizes blood circulation, and saturates the brain with oxygen. Lie with your feet up for only 20 minutes; you will immediately feel different.
This position is beneficial for people who suffer from insomnia. The body will not experience unpleasant sensations. In a short time, you will rest, relax, and be able to fall asleep.
7- Improves Digestion
This pose is especially useful for overweight people. Although everyone else should also stand in this position more often, they may even lose a little weight. The fact is that this position promotes better absorption of nutrients entering the body.
Besides, there is an outflow of blood from the lower extremities. Therefore, for those who suffer from constipation, it is better to do this exercise instead of a laxative. This way, you can get regular bowel movements without pills.
8- Relieves Stress And Anxiety
If this posture relieves nervous tension, it is logical to assume that the person gets rid of unnecessary worries. Anxiety recedes. When a person is stressed, the blood pressure decreases. Moreover, his/her appetite disappears, and fatigue accumulates.
The upward position relaxes the body and mind. Some even manage to achieve a meditative state. Just for the exercise to work, try not to think about work or a lack of money. You must think about pleasant things only.
9- Calms The Nervous System
The position with the legs upwards helps to relax the body. This exercise also calms the nervous system. As you lift your legs up, you begin to breathe slowly and deeply. Calm breathing helps to reduce nervous tension. People who are very nervous and worried during the day should practice this exercise daily.
By the way, yogis believe that this exercise can change the polarization of energy outflows. In their opinion, negative energy comes from the earth, while positive energy comes from space. In this position, these energies get mixed. That is why it has such a strong healing effect.
10- Reduces Fatigue And Heaviness Of Legs
Lying upside down is useful not only for edema but also for heaviness and fatigue in the legs. Get in the habit of lying upside down every day. Blood circulation will improve, and you will feel the fatigue recede.
By the way, exercise can fight not only fatigue but also restless legs syndrome. This disease often affects the elderly, mostly women. They feel a lot of tension in their legs, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Lie with your feet up, and such problems will never touch you.
It may seem simple, but it is one of the most effective exercises. Lying upside down daily for thirty minutes has lots of benefits for the body. Make this exercise a part of your daily routine.