Cost-Friendly Activities for Kids at Home

Taking a child on an adventure doesn’t always have to involve the great outdoors. By using a little imagination, you’ll find plenty of exciting activities for both you and your child to enjoy from home! Going out can be expensive and parents don’t always have the energy for a trip to the park, cinema, or ice-cream shop – so it’s handy to know of some fun ways to keep your child occupied without leaving the house.
Baking is a great activity you and your child can do together. By delegating jobs, you will both create a fun and tasty treat! Let your child stir the bowl while you deal with everything that’s hot or uses sharp edges. Not only will your child have a blast, but they will learn some culinary skills too! Once the baking is over, you can both plonk yourself in front of the TV with your well-earned baked goodies.
Board Games
With the prevalence of the internet, board games sometimes get swept under the rug, but they’re just as fun as ever! If your child is bored one day, suggest going through your board game collection and choosing one to play. Depending on the choice, you could have a few hours of fun-filled competition.
Build a Fort
One of the fondest memories many adults have of childhood is building a fort, so gift your child with that. Get together your pillows, duvets, sofa cushions and create the fort of your childhood dreams. It takes teamwork and determination, and by the end both of you will enjoy a cool little area to read books and hang out in (or they’ll claim it as their own!).
Crafting can involve a whole array of activities, from finger painting to making a lantern. You don’t have to spend a fortune on kits either, as you can find a hobby lobby promo code and spend some time picking out the most interesting looking activity your kid will be sure to love. Let them get creative with their building and they just might surprise you with a hidden talent!
A Treasure Hunt
There’s something special about a reward that’s worked for. Giving your kids a treat, like a candy bar, will keep them occupied for a short while. Creating a treasure hunt with a treat as the treasure, however, will keep them entertained for far longer. Making it will be just as fun as watching their faces once they’ve found the treasure and they’ll learn the lesson of effort equals reward all while having a great time.
Draw Each Other
If you want to encourage laughter, then you should do each other’s portraits. Get some paper and pencils out and get to work on drawing each other’s features in detail, and showing each other at the end. You’ll find yourself laughing at the hilarious way your child has drawn you and you’ll also be rewarded with two drawings that hold a fond memory forever.
Having fun with your kid needn’t be expensive. By finding entertaining activities indoors, you get to spend quality time with your child without emptying your pockets.