6 Foods To Avoid When Celebrating New Year

Long weekends and holidays are special for everyone, especially New Year’s holidays. However, at this time of happiness, many people start using products that can actually harm their well-being.
In this article, we will guide you on what not to do on New Year, so you don’t end up at a hospital. How can you enjoy New Year in a healthy way? What foods are better not to put on the festive table if you want to be active, healthy, and happy in the New Year? Let’s figure it out!
1. Salads With Fried Meat, Mushrooms, & Seafood
Today, popular fried salads are distinguished by the rich flavor, nutritional value, and satiety they give. Therefore, there are a lot of such salads, and they are invariably in demand. They are prepared with the addition of fried mushrooms, meat, bacon, crispy chicken, etc. But they have one thing in common, oil. All ingredients must be fried in oil, which is unhealthy!
What To Do?
If you are in the process of losing weight, choose salads that do not require roasting. Ideal are those salads that include fresh vegetables and fruits. If this is not possible for some reason, after frying the food, put them on parchment paper. It will absorb excess fat and after that, place fried meat in a salad bowl.
And most importantly – do not fry the ingredients in refined oil; it is suitable exclusively for ready-made dressing salads. And stuffed vegetables can be a healthy alternative to fried salads. Tomatoes and bell peppers stuffed with rice and meat, zucchini plates with minced meat are delicious holiday food.
2. Alcohol Or Substance Abuse
New Year is the time for celebration; however, many people celebrate this time in an unhealthy manner. For example, they will sit with friends till late at night and consume alcohol excessively or get high on meth or heroin.
This is extremely dangerous, especially if you develop dependence. Doing these activities for a week can develop into a habit, which is hard to give up! Thus, do not spoil this beautiful time and refrain from such things.
What To Do?
Getting high on drugs and alcohol is the last thing you should be doing on New Year. It is the worst way to start the year. And addiction is a disease, which requires an immediate cure. Thus, if you develop an addiction, consult a specialist timely.
The residents of the US are lucky in the way that addiction facilities are available across the nation. This means that if you reside in Houston, all you have to do is call any drug rehab in Houston and get all information. Help is readily available to everyone, no matter where they live, so if you want to start the New Year on a good note, get professional help.
3. Herring Salad With Mayonnaise
The salad, beloved by many people, also falls into the list of risky dishes. This is because of the harmful ingredients it contains. Firstly, it has a large amount of mayonnaise, which makes the dish saturated with various unhealthy fats that put a lot of stress on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.
Secondly, it has salted fish, which has properties to retain water in the body, and, moreover, is dangerous from the point of view of poisoning. Some housewives prepare the herring under a fur coat the day before the New Year and continue eating the salad for a couple of days later.
What To Do?
Do you like high-calorie layered salads? Get rid of the main “enemy” for shape and health – mayonnaise and replace it with a lighter sauce. If you like experimenting, make a low-fat sour cream sauce with mustard or grated horseradish, or replace mayonnaise with homemade food or salted kefir. As for the fish, you can remove excess salt by first soaking the herring in milk.
4. Smoked Sausages
For the sake of the holiday, maybe you can forget that sausages and ready-made meat products are far from the best options for the table. But it is important to take into account that such products differ in the degree of harmfulness. At the top of the “dangerous” pyramid – smoked meats come at the top.
They are rich in fat, salt, preservatives, and flavor enhancers, so it is better to eliminate them completely. All kinds of shanks, bacon and other pseudo-meat products are no less harmful to the body. Besides the content of the additives listed above, they are very fatty. And in combination with other products, they can provoke an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
What To Do?
If you yourself are planning a festive feast, when buying products, pay attention to the amount of fat; this is the most dangerous item of the New Year’s diet. Poultry ham and carbonate are relatively safe for health.
Boiled or baked meat dishes will be ideal for the festive table. A great option is small pieces of cheese or redfish on skewers. Or you can cut chicken or turkey into strips or small pieces and some seasoning to it. They go well as a stand-alone snack and as an ingredient in all kinds of salads.
5. Carbonated Drinks
Sweet soda is loved by both kids and adults. It is a good company for desserts – pastries, cakes, marshmallows. However, few people know that there are about 100 g of sugar in one liter of Coca-Cola, which ultimately amounts to more than 400 kcal! But that’s not all! The popular drink contains carbon dioxide, phosphoric acid, and dyes that can cause serious health problems.
What To Do?
Phosphoric acid alone is famous for its ability to flush the calcium out of the body. But there is also a shock dose of sugar, and carbon dioxide, which can cause colic and indigestion. If you decide to replace cola with packaged juices, your diet will not be much healthier, and they are also high in sugar and preservatives. Homemade compotes, natural juices, and clean water are good alternatives.
We mentioned the list of products that can harm your health on New Year; thus, you should replace them with something healthier. Starting the New Year in good health is the best thing you can do for yourself!