What Kinds of Lawyers and Law Firms Exist

It can be easy, when exposed to the concept of a lawyer in popular media, to assume that anyone lawyer would be able to represent you in any case that you need them to. However, the truth of the profession is that there is far more nuance and complexity to the job than you would ever assume by watching a lawyer played on a TV show. This article aims to highlight some of the many kinds of lawyers and law firms that exist.
Why Variations of Law Firms Exist
There are many variations of law firms in the world, and you might be asking yourself why it is necessary for so many to exist. Well, the crux of the matter is that law and the legal process are incredibly detailed and complex topics, which require quite a bit of study to properly engage with. To help ensure that lawyers are able to deal with the dense amount of legal processes they have to engage with, they often select a specialization within which they work. This means that a criminal defense lawyer, for example, can have a detailed knowledge of criminal law without having to also attempt to culture a working knowledge of intellectual property law.
Aviation Law
Aviation law, as you might assume, refers to any cases that include air travel. This area of law is actually an area within international law and involves maritime law too, given that air travel technically happens beyond any one nation’s borders.
Banking and Finance Law
This area of law involves, as you might expect, the control of financial products and generally focuses on loans. The lawyers and firms that work within this area have to be able to understand exactly how a deal will impact a company’s business as well as their relation to the law, and as a result, this tends to be a fairly specialized area.
Criminal Law
Firms such as Zentz & Zentz Criminal Defense law firm offer expertise on legal matters that relate to the violation of laws and the punishment of those who do so. In particular, a significant benefit that comes with a detailed knowledge of criminal law is that firms and lawyers who operate within these cases are able to draw on legal precedent from other cases in order to strengthen their own.
Family Law
Family law refers to any and all cases that deal with domestic matters, including marriage, divorce, child custody, and more. There is a surprising amount of nuance to cases that fall within the confines of family law, which is why you want to be sure you hire a firm or lawyer who knows what they are doing.
Intellectual Property Law
Finally, firms that specialize in intellectual property law are specialized to deal with legal cases that revolve around the concept of ownership of a concept by the intellect that created it. This kind of law deals with situations where an intellectual property right exists and considers whether it has been correctly registered and if it can be exploited.