Five steps for a better work-life balance

Work-life balance may be the last worry on your mind right now – after all, there is a global pandemic going on. Who has time for face masks and manicures? But that’s exactly the wrong way of looking at things. During a pandemic like this, it is even more important to take care of our mental and physical wellbeing. Here are some thoughts on how you can do this.
1. Be honest with your workplace
It is important to be upfront with your work about what you have the time to do. Try scheduling a chat with your boss, and make sure you say what you intended to. You’ll likely find that while you might have been dreading talking the talk, your boss will be understanding. This is one key characteristic of good bosses. Clearly state your capacity and then show how your workload overlaps. After all, what’s the point in working if you’re tired and can’t bring your full self to work every day.
2. Set aside time for self-care
Self-care can sound like a bit of a fluffy concept, but really it is about looking after ourselves, which is really quite basic. That’s why things like hot baths can be good, or something as simple as a walk with a nice podcast – self-care doesn’t have to comprise chanting affirmations in front of the mirror.
3. Engage a carer for older relatives
Very often, it is easy to assume the role of carer for an older relative as they start to lose their faculties because we feel it is our duty. But sometimes it can be a bit too much. Fortunately, there are organizations out there that can help take a bit of the load of you by caring for your elderly relative, either on a set schedule or on an ad hoc basis. Some provide memory care living environments that help participants engage in activities that are beneficial for memory.
4. Talk to your partner
A lot of the time, husbands and wives can bear a grudge towards each other because one feels they are doing more housework than the other. Most of the time one party doesn’t realize that they’re doing so little and would be happy to take a bit of the burden off the other. So have a chat with your spouse or partner if you feel like you’re always the one unloading the dishwasher or cooking the dinner – it might be that they can lighten your load.
5. Get childcare
Children are the loves of our lives, but looking after them can be so time-consuming – it requires fitting in picking them up and dropping them off as well as work. If we are working at home during COVID-19, it can be hard to find a quiet moment for work calls – after all, they are so young! That’s why it’s important to get some kind of childcare that will help.
Remember, the number of hours in a day is limited. Try these tips to improve your work-life balance, or should we say life-work balance.