Common Roof Problems to Check for in Your Home

At one point or another over the course of homeownership, you’ll likely experience some trouble with the roof of your home. This could take the form of a small problem like waterproofing, or more serious issues like cracking. There are many things that could go wrong with your roof structure and each should be attended to as soon as possible to avoid the problem getting worse over time. Here are four common roof problems and what to look out for to spot them.
Roof Leaks
Naturally this is one of, if not the most common roofing problem you’ll encounter. Because your roof needs to be sealed from moisture and water so that it stops rain and condensation from making its way into your house, there is a chance that this waterproofing may fail or wear over time and need to be repaired. You’ll likely first notice these roof leaks inside the house by the presence of damp or discolored walls and ceilings You can look for this waterproofing and problems with it around the chimney, at the roof flashing and at features in the roof, like skylights. You might also inspect around gutters and if your roof has any low points where water might accumulate or pool.
Water Pooling
It’s common if you have low points on the roof or areas without proper drainage for water to accumulate here. When water pools at these points, it can cause issues over time, particularly for those in wetter climates where it rains more often, and this water doesn’t dry quickly. You may need to get channels or taper areas of the roof to allow for proper run-off for these low areas. What should you look for when you’re looking for good trusted residential roofing? Check references and investigate the legitimacy of your contractor at the very least.
Roof Material Shrinkage
Roof material isn’t particularly susceptible to nature by its very design, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t faultless. One of the more common issues with roofing material is the effect on temperature changes causing it to shrink and expand. This is a problem because over time, this material is weakened, and that can mean it will eventually crack or become damaged. This is more common with flat roofing materials like EPDM.
Snow or Ice Damage
The effects of snow and ice on any building can be quite devastating over long periods of time. This is particularly true for houses with shingle roofing, largely because once the temperature rises, this snow or ice melts into water and can end up seeping under your roof tiles or shingles. In fact, ice has been known to lift up flashing or shingles given the right conditions. Checking your roof for damage after heavy snowfall or winter is recommended and getting any damaged roofing replaced or repaired is imperative to ensure you don’t end up with problems down the line.
There are a number of other things to look out for when it comes to the integrity of your home’s roofing. Keeping gutters clear and unobstructed and watching for damage from trees or physically damaged shingles or cracks in the roofing material is important. Being proactive will save you from headaches if you leave any potential problems to get worse.