Photo Editing Apps You Can Take on the Go

Our online interactions are becoming increasingly visual. It’s all about videos and photos now. Of course, that is to be expected, pictures are after all worth a thousand words. However, as you go about posting your experiences and sharing your thoughts, you want to present them in the best way possible and while cameras have improved with time, giving you beautiful snaps to add to your timeline, a little editing can only help. In the past, the options to edit were only available to the privileged few but with advances in technology, you too can use these tools. Here is a list of editing apps that promise to give you Instagram-worthy pictures in seconds. You have to try more than ten anonymous apps to get perfect results.
Whether you’re an amateur or a professional photographer you’ll love this app. It features incredible presets, not to forget trendy filters that will have people clicking like on your pictures as soon as they see them. What’s more, the app offers limited edition filter for you to use on your travels.
The best thing about this app though is its vibrant community of users with whom you can share your work and get insightful comments and criticism. For photographers starting out, this is the community to join.
For those whose goal is to rule social media platforms, this one might be for you.
Photo editing apps with an array of capabilities and features to experiment with, Snapseed comes with social media sharing options with it making it super easy to post your pictures online. The user-friendly interface will have your picture edited in minutes. You have the standard image adjustment tools like cropping as well as advanced features that hide blemishes. You have filters that you can simply add as well as the option to tweak whatever you don’t like. If you haven’t tried it already, you might want to download it now.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC
A must-have for professionals, this editing tool offers some of the best features essential for great pictures. Its high-quality adjustment tools are presented as simple sliders for ease of use and allow you to do anything from adjusting the light and detail in the image to fixing the distortion. If you subscribe to the Adobe Creative Cloud to go with it, you’ll get additional features that will surely take your game up to new heights.
If your photographing sessions often include food pics then this is the app to have. The 30 filters and editing features it offers are designed with food in mind and guarantee to bring out the best of each meal. It helps you click the perfect bird’s eye shot and makes the colors pop in each of your photographs. Curious? You should be, the way it takes food to a whole new level is nothing short of magical.
You know that beautiful picture you clicked which you can’t post thanks to the ugly wire cutting the frame? Well, here is an app that’ll rid you of that pesky distraction.
This photo correcting app is a must for all. It helps you remove unruly objects from your pictures with ease so you can get the prefect stunning pictures you deserve. You can edit out logos, signs, and more with TouchRetouch. Use this quick fix to ensure your pictures look great. With its efficient magnifying tool, you’ll be able to zoom in and remove the imperfections with precision. This app must be on your phone at all times.
Smartphones are handy tools with great picture-taking capabilities, however, as much as they have improved they are still no match for the cameras dedicated to photography. CannonConnect understands this and helps you bring both the technologies together to ensure ease in clicking photographs and editing them for uploading.
If you use a Canon camera with Wi-Fi capabilities then this app will revolutionize how you work. This app allows you to transfer raw photos from your camera’s memory card to your phone. This way you can share your pictures on social media as soon as you click them. You won’t need to take out your laptop and edit pictures there before you share them with the world. The only downside though is that it only works with a Canon camera.
Final Words
These apps are fast becoming a staple to every phone and we suggest you to give them a shot. Try a different filter, brighten up a few spots, saturate the colors you want to highlight, give the pic more definition. These apps can help you turn a drab picture to one that everyone will envy and all you need to achieve this is a good internet connection to connect you with the necessary features. So, make sure to give Spectrum customer service a call to set you up. You simply can’t go wrong then. Your views and visibility are sure to increase. Go ahead and dabble with the magic of photo editing. You’ll love the results!